Are these suitable for children?
Yes, they’re safe for kids. Everyone has their unique sensitivity to the technology, so simply use it for as long as it feels good. And
Yes, they’re safe for kids. Everyone has their unique sensitivity to the technology, so simply use it for as long as it feels good. And
Subtle energy science offers a number of unique benefits. In general, subtle energy science: Offers powerful EMF protection at an uncommonly affordable price. Makes it
This will vary from product to product. But every product contains a certain set of energetic frequencies proven to create coherent space as well as
Yes. Using multiple modalities and technologies, every signature is tested to be safe for living systems.
Subtle energy is the term most commonly used to denote energies that are not currently explained by the four known forces of physics, which are
Digital energy medicine refers to the general methods we use to capture, amplify and broadcast subtle energy medicine via digital technology.
In his book, The Basic Code of the Universe, Dr. Massimo Citro speaks of a basic governing “code,” made up of “the ensemble of information
That depends on how you define scalar energies. If you go by the definition that the majority of the Internet uses to describe scalar energy
You can try spreading the prints out, but they each produce a large field, so this may not help. I recommend burning any excess copies
In the early years of science, the scientific community knew that electromagnetism existed, but at the time it was not possible to measure electricity. Nonetheless, So what are digital energy Mandalas? Simply put digital energy Mandalas are digital pictures that transform your electronic devices into powerful tools that energetically
While the Awaken the Mind program does evoke specific brainwave patterns, it does not use audio brainwave entrainment (i.e., binaural beats, isochronic beats, etc.) to
The paradigm I work from is simple: the quantum field (or something possibly beyond even the quantum) records everything in existence. Various religious and cultural
Yes and no. The energetic signature of a substance is its quintessence, its purest distillation. So, devoid of its extraneous physical components, the experience of