Authors Gregg Braden and Daniel Estulin recently began a dialogue about the questionable transhumanistic direction we’re being moved in as a society, whether we like it or not.
Gregg Braden, a prolific author on the cross-section between science and spirituality, loves technology but is nonetheless concerned about a growing transhumanistic movement in which young people are being conditioned to view themselves as powerless victims possessing flawed emotional responses. Human emotion is viewed as a flaw because it clouds logic. And sexual reproduction through physical intimacy, which involves emotion, is also seen as a flaw because the outcome is so unpredictable.
Technological Overlords Conditioning the Masses
Case in point: Yuval Noah Harari, a top advisor for the influential World Economic Forum, has openly declared humans as increasingly “useless,” claiming that a time is coming when this useless human class will become obsolete. Human free will and autonomy will become a thing of the past in his view.
Yes, influential people like Harari are openly expressing these kinds of anti-human rhetoric, but relatively few people are paying attention. And when time is taken to read the WEF’s white papers, it becomes apparent that they view overpopulation and flawed human flourishing as the principle obstacle to the fulfillment of their collective vision. This is only one of many such global institutions that have written extensively on the so-called problem of overpopulation.
Harari has indicated that the class of useless humans will eventually be phased out of commerce and modern life, and will likely be kept “happy” through the use of drugs and immersion in video games or virtual reality.
Getting back to Braden’s point, young people today are encouraged by the establishment to see themselves as victims who need some kind of “saving.” And one of the so-called saviors being touted is technology. While technology can be a great thing, Braden adds, we are currently being asked to give our humanity away to technology without fully understanding what we’re giving away.
One might put it this way: it’s a great thing when technology serves humanity, but not vice versa.
Daniel Estulin, author of many books on the globalist elite, claims that the elite view themselves as waging a war against us, the people.
He makes the point that for the first time in known history, the elite now have the capability of creating a new species, so to speak. It’s called genome editing.
Gene editing is made up of a group of technologies that offer scientists the ability to change an organism’s DNA. These technologies allow genetic material to be added, removed or altered at specific locations within the genome.
Estulin argues that elites are funding science with an aim of creating its own species of human. Ectogenesis, or growing a human being outside the womb, is currently being pursued.
As such, in his view, humanity is currently losing the war being silently waged upon it by this relatively small but powerful group of elites. In his research, he has discovered that this powerful group of elites play a long game, while the rest of humanity doesn’t. Most of us are just going along for the ride, completely unaware of being herded in a specific direction.
According to Estulin, the ruling elite plan their agendas hundreds of years in advance. For example, at the end of WWII in 1945, while the Soviets were celebrating their victory over Nazi Germany, the financial elite that created the Breton Woods economic system were already planning the dismantling of the Soviet Union, which took place 50 years later.
Behavior Modification for the Masses
Estulin argues that human rights, as well as the institution of the concept of the nation-state republic, are under assault by the oligarchy’s massive social engineering agenda conducted by numerous organizations such as the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.
These kinds of social engineering organizations, Estulin claims, view us as a kind of philosophical, axiomatic enemy and are actively engaged in modifying social behavior. In his view, this social behavioral modification is aimed at moving us from a being human society to becoming a transhuman society and eventually a post-human society.
Braden agrees and sees humanity as being in a very real battle, though most people are unaware of it.
He points to what has been called the “fifth domain of warfare” being waged by the legacy media in a blatant effort to reprogram the public’s thoughts and beliefs. He refers to it as a “battle for what we believe.”
There is a battle, for example, regarding what we believe about ourselves and our origins. Are we simply the product of random mutations, or is there some intentionality involved in our existence?
Braden believes this battle is a distraction from an even more ancient battle that has been ongoing for millennia: the battle for our very humanness. And beyond that battle, Braden believes, is the even greater battle for our divinity.
Braden points out that while most people assume divinity refers to a religious view of God, divinity is actually defined as the ability to transcend perceived human limitations. In other words, divinity is the ability to become more than the limits we have assumed for ourselves.
Yuval Noah Harari: Workplace Automation and the "Useless Class"
Braden argues that if we lose our divinity, we will become far more susceptible to this kind of social conditioning.
Estulin points out that the elites are literally forcing a change to our way of life without our expressed permission and without our awareness, in most cases. The majority of the human population have no clue that anything like this is happening.
For Estulin, the Divine spark of reason is associated with human identity, and the elite are actively working to subjugate that identity and replace it with an artificial, synthetic pseudo-soul.
In order to create the world they want, says Estulin, they must first force a change in humanity’s self-image in such a way as to literally re-create “humanity” in the image they have synthesized.
Braden agrees and points out that though this kind of identity-shift was achieved in the distant past through blatant authoritarian means, such a strategy can no longer work in the modern era. Therefore, a new strategy has been enacted.
In the modern era, Braden argues, such identity manipulation occurs through social media algorithms and regulation of the legacy news media. None of this is coincidental. Social media and news media are being used to program the masses for an agenda that serves not the masses, but the elite.
Through the deployment of mass mind control methodologies, social media and news media are influencing people to make choices that go against their own best interests, in favor of a post-human agenda.
Braden believes that this mass mind control is so prevalent that its consequences will not be delayed for another generation. In other words, we’re at a crossroads where conscious recognition of our predicament must occur.
Technological Slavery
In the past, slavery and colonization were accomplished through military aggression and brute force. But, as Estulin states, subjugation to slavery now occurs by the institution of advanced technologies. The Internet, he argues, is nothing more than “a digital gulag under the control of Big Brother within the confines of this permanent hybrid war.”
The difference between the gulags of various countries and the digital gulag, Estulin claims, is that traditional gulags are like concentration camps surrounded by barbed wire fences, whereas the digital gulag is comprised of individuals who voluntarily seek permission to be admitted into the concentration camp.
For most people, not having access to the Internet or social media is like being deprived of oxygen. They can’t live or thrive without it.
Author Whitney Webb recently brought to public attention another kind of technological slavery that is being pushed by the financial elites. This new technology, fractal digital tokenization of nature and natural resources, in tandem with its related Digital ID, is being touted by the elites as a more “inclusive” financial system. But, as Webb clearly shows, this new technological system is anything but inclusive because it excludes anyone who refuses to be a part of it. And because it will be the only financial system on the planet, anyone who refuses to participate in it will, by default, be excluded and will, of course, die.
Getting back to the discussion between Braden and Estulin, Estulin points out the visible signs of the collective degradation of society. For example, the fields of mainstream physics and mathematics are now considered to be racist subjects created white people with white privilege.
He argues that the widespread dependence on things like AI and Wikipedia for our “education” is indicative of both social behavioral modification and social degradation. He believes that society is being engineered to become dependent upon concentration camp technology in order to survive.
Braden, a long-time musician, discusses how most successful songwriters attribute their songs to something outside of themselves, saying that this creativity came through them rather than being created by them. This access to creative inspiration and imagination is part of what Braden refers to as our divinity, and he believes this divinity is at stake when we’re being encouraged to overcome our perceived flaws by surgically installing computer chips designed to augment our creativity.
There have been entire books written on where this creative inspiration originates, but the technological elite want to replace it with synthetic technology.
Another example of technology usurping our humanity appears in the form of mRNA “vaccines” designed to create artificial immune systems to replace our perfectly capable and natural human immune systems. Not only have they compromised the immune systems of many people who have taken them, they have resulted in a huge global cover up of the many suspicious deaths and vaccine injuries related to this largely untested mRNA technology, which is now linked with the appearance of mysterious white clots discovered in deceased, vaccinated cadavers after cause of death has already been “determined”.
We were told that if we didn’t take these untested, experimental gene therapies, we were murderers and destined to die horrible deaths. We were told that these technologies were “100% safe and effective,” that taking them meant we would never catch Covid and we certainly would never die from it. Yet, in less than a year of being vaccinated and boosted, this author’s stepfather died of double Covid pneumonia.
A neighbor who was also vaccinated around that time had to end his power lifting career due to causes “unknown”.
And recently, this author spoke with a stranger who mentioned that since being vaccinated, she has been dealing with recurrent circulation problems for which she has had to seek repeated medical care. Seeing a pattern yet? This is just the tip of the tip of the iceberg.
The mRNA technologies which the current presidential administration attempted to force 80 million Americans to take or else be fired (with attempted enforcement by OSHA, which was blocked by a lawsuit), are just another example of the technological slavery being instituted using various forms of crises, fear, anger, civil division and hysteria to manipulate the masses into compliance.
Yuval Harari: Humans Have No Soul
The Three Levels of Transhumanism
Braden and Estulin are quick to agree that they’re not demonizing technology, which can be a very empowering thing in modern life. But with the higher levels of transhumanism, some serious boundaries protecting humanity’s future are being grossly transgressed.
According to Braden, there are at least three levels of transhumanism:
- Level 1 – This level uses various forms of technology to repair and replace various aspects of the human body. Examples include knee replacements, hip replacements and contact lenses.
- Level 2 – This level of transhumanism uses synthetic parts to completely replace human organs. For example, modern technology can now 3D print an epidermis for use with burn victims.
- Level 3 – This level sounds like science fiction, but it is quite real and very possibly dangerous because it reduces consciousness to bits and bytes and seeks to upload human consciousness into a computer sever.
The first two levels of transhumanism are already very popular and offer many great benefits to society. The third level, however, is problematic.
In fact, there is a quest for “immortality” being pursued by scientists convinced that consciousness can be confined to a computer chip. And if consciousness can be stored on a server, all one would need to do is download their consciousness into another body before the previous body wears out.
This scenario looks identical to the one portrayed in the failed Joss Whedon science fiction TV series, Dollhouse, in which attractive young adults are tricked into allowing their minds to be “wiped” and replaced with personalities downloaded into their bodies, only to find out later that this technology is being developed for the elite in order to allow them to download their consciousness into younger bodies when their older bodies wear out and die.
Trailer for Joss Whedon's Dollhouse
The problem with this technological “development,” is that it is driven by an innate fear of mortality. And acting out of fear is never the ideal foundation from which to build a conscious future. It can only bring the very thing that is feared: in this case, death.
In addition to the push for consciousness stored on computer chips, is the push to replace human ingenuity with supercomputers installed in human brains, as well as the replacement of human emotion with a special class of pharmaceutical chemicals designed to augment and stabilize human emotion. Harari himself has spoken of this.
Aldous Huxley: Slavery by Consent
Again, this is straight out of science fiction; namely, Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World,” in which he predicts that humans in the future will enthusiastically embrace their slavery to the scientific dictatorship by willingly taking the pharmaceutical drugs that keep them passified and entranced.
Destruction of the Old Order to Bring in the New Order: The Creation of a New Post-Human, Trans-Industrial World
Estulin argues that the elite have for a long time had the desire to be able to create a new species of human with limited cognitive capacity, able to be easily reproduced and manipulated for their own means. And with today’s technology and the direction in which it’s headed, Estulin believes this is now possible and will become increasingly more possible.
Indeed, Harari himself has openly declared that the useless class of humans will eventually be replaced when technology is able to create its own brains and nervous systems. Humans will largely no longer be needed.
We Can Hack Humans | Dr. Yuval Noah Harari and Klaus Schwab
In order for their envisioned future of a trans-industrial society to come to pass, they must first destroy the existing power structures and infrastructures that stand in their way.
As such, they are actively tearing down the industrial and post-industrial worlds to make way for the new trans-industrial one. This is the Great Reset. This is the real reason they’re trying to subvert gas, oil and coal. It has nothing at all to do with an environmental crisis and everything to do with the establishment of a post-human, neo-Communist, corporate-run, global government, where you’ll own nothing, rent everything (even the shirt on your back), and you’ll be “happy.”
World Economic Forum: By 2030, "You'll Own Nothing, You'll Rent Everything, And You'll Be Happy."
Klaus Schwab (Founder of the World Economic Forum): "We penetrate the cabinets . . ."
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