The relationship between brainwave activity and IQ is complex. While some of the scientific literature mentions gamma brainwaves (40 – 99 Hz) as being associated with high IQ, certain scientific studies show no such correlation.
One study found that higher IQ individuals exhibited greater degrees of alpha brainwave (8 – 12 Hz) synchrony between the right and left hemispheres of the neocortex during eyes closed rest.
Other IQ-related studies involving brainwaves focus less on brainwave frequencies and instead find correlation between high IQ and how brainwaves manifest in different parts of the brain.
To make it even more complex, we now know that what is generally referenced as IQ represents only certain aspects of intelligence, such as spatial-temporal reasoning, logic, mathematics, pattern recognition, linguistics, cultural awareness, etc. As such, whatever the current brainwave studies tell us about intelligence is still very likely just a small slice of what the holistic gestalt of human intelligence really looks like.
Here we examine six scientific studies and what they tell us about the relationship between brainwave activity and intelligence:
Study #1: “Are Smarter Brains Faster? Heritability of Alpha Peak Frequency, IQ, and Their Interrelation,” conducted by D. Posthuma, M. C. Neale, D. I. Boomsma, and J. C. de Geus, and published in the scientific journal Behavior Genetics in 2001.
The authors of this study looked at the EEG recordings and IQ scores of 271 twin families (with a total of 688 participants) in order to see if there was a correlation between higher peak brain wave frequencies and higher intelligence scores. No correlation between faster brainwave frequencies and high IQ was found. However, this study alone is insufficient to conclude that there is no such correlation.
Study #2: “Increased IQ After Alpha Training,” conducted by James Hardt.
In a corporate training that was later published as a study, the staff of a company were given IQ tests immediately before receiving intensive alpha brainwave training using advanced neurofeedback equipment designed and developed by Dr. Hardt. The staff then underwent Dr. Hardt’s intensive training for one week. They were administered another IQ test four months after the training and were found to have increased their IQ by 11.7 points in a manner not accounted for by age or previous IQ. The trainees effectively increased their IQ scores simply by engaging in very intensive alpha brainwave training for the course of one week, with no apparent fading of the effect over time.
Study #3: “EEG and Intelligence: Relations between EEG coherence, EEG phase delay and power,” conducted by R. W. Thatcher, D. North and C. Biver, and published in the journal Clinical Neuropsychology in 2005.
This study examined synchrony between the peaks and troughs of brainwave patterns exhibited in human subjects sitting calmly with eyes closed. Higher IQ was found to be correlated with phase delay in the prefrontal cortex. The longer the phase delay between the prefrontal cortex and other areas of the brain, the higher was the IQ. This essentially means that the prefrontal cortex of highly intelligent people is so efficient and coherent in its functioning, that it energetically entrains other areas of the brain to synchronize with it, albeit with a bit of a lag in phase.
Study #4: “Brainwaves as markers of intelligence quotient and spiritual intelligence,” conducted by Sharma Priya and Singh Abha, and published in the International Journal of Indian Psychology in 2020.
Subjects in this study were assessed using EEG recordings and tests for IQ and spiritual intelligence. The authors concluded that alpha brainwaves (8 – 12 Hz), followed by theta waves (4 – 7 Hz), were the most reliable predictor of high IQ and spiritual intelligence.
Study #5: “Asymmetry pattern of resting EEG for different IQ levels,” conducted by A. H. Jahidin, et al, and published in the journal Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences in 2013.
This study examined 50 EEG samples, looking for asymmetry patterns of resting brainwaves for three different levels of intelligence, as indicated by the Raven Progressive Matrices. Smaller asymmetry scores between alpha and beta brainwave frequencies were exhibited by those with higher IQ scores, indicating a greater degree of coherence and synchrony in overall brainwave activity. This greater synchrony essentially manifests as a more balanced brainwave activity.
Study #6: “Intelligence Level Might Be Predicted By the Characteristics of EEG Signals at Specific Frequencies and Brain Regions,” conducted by Song Luo and associates, and published in the Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology in 2021.
The total energy and distribution patterns of EEG signals from 43 students was examined in relation to IQ scores to see if the intensities of information flows could reveal a connection to higher intelligence. The results showed that higher IQ individuals required less mental resources for certain tasks than lower IQ individuals. This speaks again to the idea of increased synchrony, coherence and efficiency in higher IQ brains.
So, in terms of these studies and what they tell us about the relationship between brainwaves and intelligence, we can make the following five conclusions:
- High IQ does not necessarily correlate with faster brainwave patterns such as gamma.
- Intense alpha brainwave training can increase intelligence as measured by standard IQ tests, even when said training lasts only a week.
- Increases in IQ resulting from such intensive alpha brainwave training appear to endure for at least several months after the initial training.
- The appearance of alpha and theta brainwave frequencies while sitting calmly with eyes closed can predict higher scores in IQ and spiritual intelligence.
- High IQ brains exhibit greater than normal brainwave synchrony, coherence and thus overall brain efficiency than lower IQ brains.
These five conclusions, however, are not necessarily set in stone. While they concur with the findings of these aforementioned six studies, we must not blindly assume that future studies will corroborate these findings. That said, based on previous neuroscientific research, it is likely that these five postulates have a good chance of standing the test of time.
All sources listed below:
D. Posthuma, M. C. Neale, D. I. Boomsma & E. J. C. de Geus
It has often been proposed that faster central nervous system (CNS) processing amounts to a smarter brain. One way to index speed of CNS processing is through the assessment of brain oscillations via electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings.
Earlier studies have found high peak frequencies to be associated with higher intelligence.
In the present study, data from 271 extended twin families (688 participants) were collected as part of a large, ongoing project on the genetics of adult brain function and cognition. IQ was assessed with the Dutch version of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IIIR), from which four dimensions were calculated (verbal comprehension, working memory, perceptual organization, and processing speed).
A large part of the genetic variance in alpha peak frequency as well as in working memory and processing speed was due to nonadditive factors. There was no evidence of a genetic correlation between alpha peak frequency and any of the four WAIS dimensions:
Smarter brains do not seem to run faster.
At the corporate retreat of Precious Moments, a company whose business revolves around quality artwork production, the Biocybernaut Institute performed IQ tests on everyone before the alpha brainwave training they conducted with the company and again about four months after the alpha training. They found an average IQ increase of 11.7 points of IQ not related to age or the initial IQ.
This meant the alpha training was boosting everyone’s IQ essentially. The average time between pre-and post-IQ tests was about four months, and some trainees took a year.
There were no significant correlations between the measured IQ boost and how long after the alpha training the post-training IQ was measured. This meant there was no tendency for the IQ boost to fade over time- at least out to one year after the Alpha Training.
R.W. Thatcher, D. North
, C. Biver
This study examined the synchrony of brainwave peaks and troughs in people sitting calmly with their eyes closed.
This study showed that higher IQ was correlated with phase delay, or greater synchrony between brainwaves, within the prefrontal cortex.
Furthermore, it was found that the longer the phase lag between brainwaves in the frontal lobes and other cortical regions, the higher the IQ of the person involved.
One way to interpret these results is that in higher IQ people, the prefrontal cortex performs certain tasks at such high efficiency, it thereby energetically entrains other brain regions through synchrony, which follow the prefrontal cortex’s lead with a phase lag.
This study explored the role of brain waves in the expression of intelligence and spiritual intelligence.
Methods and Materials:
Thirty participants were assessed on different scales of intelligence and spiritual intelligence and their brainwaves were recorded via an electroencephalogram (EEG). The relative power of each electrode was then correlated with the individual raw scores on the scales.
Results and Conclusions:
Scores of intelligence and spiritual intelligence had significant positive correlation with relative alpha, beta, and theta waves power and significant negative correlation with relative delta waves power.
Stepwise multiple regression analysis demonstrated that alpha waves are the best predictor of intelligence and spiritual intelligence, followed by theta waves.
A.H. Jahidin*, M.N. Taib, N.M. Tahir, M.S.A. Megat Ali and S. Lias
The aim of this work is to analyze asymmetry patterns of resting brainwaves for different intelligence levels.
EEG signals were measured from fifty samples and three IQ levels were established from Raven's Progressive Matrices.
Asymmetry scores for alpha and beta waves were computed by subtracting ln-transformed ESD of the left from right hemisphere.
The study showed that individuals in the high IQ level exhibit a balanced brain with smaller asymmetry scores for alpha and beta waves compared to medium and low IQ levels.
Meanwhile, the medium and low IQ levels exhibit unbalanced brain alpha and beta activity with greater asymmetry values.
The total energy the brain consumes and the intensities of information flows across different brain regions in an intellectual activity may help to explain an individual's intelligence level.
To verify this assumption, 43 students aged 18–25 were recruited as the research subjects. Their intelligence quotients (IQ) were scored by using Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), while their electroencephalogram (EEG) signals were recorded simultaneously by using the Neuroscan system.
The total energy and distribution patterns of EEG signals were acquired in Curry 8.0. The intensities of information flow across different brain regions were measured by Phase Slope Index (PSI). 20 channels and 190 channel combinations were selected for data analysis.
It was found that the energy of EEG signals in an intellectual activity was negatively correlated with the IQ score. A possible reason could be that a person of high intelligence level may characterize a mental task as “light" while a person of relatively low intelligence level characterize it as “heavy"; the former therefore spend less energy to fulfill the mental task.
In this study, we found that the information °ow in long distance channel combinations were positively correlated to IQ scores on speci¯c frequencies and a®ected the subject's intelligence level more than the information °ow in short distance channel combinations did, which is inconsistent with previous studies.

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