Dr. Dain Heer and Simone Milasas discuss the meaning of the Clearing Statement used in Access Consciousness, a philosophy and set of tools designed by founder Gary Douglas to help people empower themselves.
Dr. Heer refers to the Clearing Statement as “one of the coolest ways to change anything in your life.”
In fact, he considers it to be one of biggest upgrades in personal development since the advent of personal development itself.
Simone Milasas agrees and encourages everyone, that if they wish to see how effective it can be, to jump in and begin using the statement before they fully understand it.
Because, according to Milasas, profound changes in perceived limitations and worldview begin to emerge spontaneously as a result of using the Clearing Statement. She refers to it as being “like magic.”
No matter how screwed you might think you are, Dr. Heer says that the Clearing Statement can help you change that.
According to Heer and Milasas, every time you feel like you’re “hitting your head up against the wall,” using the Clearing Statement can end the cycle of frustration and defeat.
The following is their explanation of the Clearing Statement and what it means, even though they believe that it is not necessary to understand it in order to benefit from it.
Their main message in all of this, however, is just use it. That’s where the magic is.
The Clearing Statement
This is the long form of the Clearing Statement:
“Right & Wrong, Good & Bad, POC & POD, All Nine, Shorts, Boys, POVADS & Beyonds”
The short form of the Clearing Statement is:
These sound kind of weird, don’t they? Well, believe it or not, they have a specific meaning and function.
Understanding the Short Form of the Clearing Statement
POC & POD stands for going back to the Point of Creation or Point of Destruction of any limited point of view you may have adopted.
The short form of the Clearing Statement essentially allows you to go back to the point of origin of that view and directly dissolve it.
This is performed by asking your consciousness if you’re ready to change this view, followed by answering yes or no.
If you’re answer is yes, repeat the short form of the Clearing Statement: POC & POD.
Viewpoint dissolved!
As Milasas points out, it’s not about systematically peeling back the layers of an onion, as is so popularly used in self-development circles. Using POC & POD is super simple and essentially does all the hard work for you.
Simply use the short form on any viewpoint, thought or behavior that you notice is not serving your highest goals and intentions. It’s that simple.
Understanding the Long Form of the Clearing Statement
“Right & Wrong, Good & Bad”
This stands for what is right, good, correct and perfect about any point of view we have as well as what is wrong, incorrect, vicious and terrible about it.
This is about undoing both the positive and negative judgments that are attached to any point of view we have.
Many of us are open to working on our negative judgments, but what about our positive judgments? Do we generally put as much time and effort into examining and dissolving those? Not really.
Thus, our positive judgments often go unexamined and unchanged, thereby keeping us confined to our current reality.
This is the first part of the Clearing Statement because of the importance of releasing our judgments, both positive and negative, in order to open our awareness to the greater possibilities and options available to us.
Regarding all of your negative judgments of yourself, and all of your positive judgments of yourself: will you destroy and uncreate them, please?
If the answer is yes, repeat the Clearing Statement.
We covered this part of the statement briefly earlier.
What if the limitations we perceive in ourselves are an illusion?
Using POC & POD allows us to go back to the moment in time when we decided those limitations were real and effectively undo that germinal point in which those limitation were created.
All of those places where you chose something that seemed great at the time but was also, in fact, a destruction of you: will you destroy and uncreate them, please?
If your answer is yes, please repeat the Clearing Statement.
“All Nine”
This stands for nine layers included in the Clearing Statement.
The strategy behind this aspect of the statement is to basically clear as much of the issue as is technically possible.
The team originally involved in developing this statement identified nine possible layers that accompany any limitation being held in place.
All the nine layers involved in holding your limitation in place: Will you destroy and uncreate them, please?
If your answer is yes, please recite the Clearing Statement.
The reason the question is asked in this way is because no one can change us but ourselves. Whatever is in our lives is there precisely because something in our consciousness has created it that way.
The Clearing Statement helps put us in the driver’s seat, so to speak, so we can consciously change what we unconsciously create in our lives.
This stands for what is both meaningful and meaningless about a perception, both its punishments and its rewards. Using it in specific situations opens up awareness of new options and choices.
Have you ever done any self-development work in which you were told to peel back the layers of the onion?
This turns out to be a fallacy due to what is termed “nucleated spheres,” in which new layers of “issues” are created in never-ending fashion, no matter how much work you do or how many layers of the onion you peel away.
This part of the statement takes care of that.
These are points of view we have been avoiding and defending, which together form a recipe for remaining stuck in life.
You can ask what you’ve been avoiding or defending in any area of your life. And when you receive an answer, perform the Clearing Statement on it.
What have you avoiding about money? What have you been avoiding by not having money?
If you respond by saying, “I’m not avoiding money,” that’s actually defending a point of view.
You can also ask about what you’re defending about money or not having money.
Asking about what you are avoiding or defending about virtually any topic will reveal previously unrecognized responses.
Recite the Clearing Statement on your responses.
Have you ever received a bill that was much larger than you expected? Or how about a check you received that was much larger than you expected?
Our reactions to these instances are what is referenced by Beyonds.
Beyond thoughts, feelings and emotions, there are sensations that are beyond our ability to understand.
So, that’s the basic explanation for strange series of words known as the Clearing Statement.
The Importance of Being Willing to Destroy and Uncreate
You may have noticed that the question is asked, “Will you destroy and uncreate these limited perception?”
In order for the walls of our perceived limitations to remain intact, we must unconsciously contribute our creative energy.
But is there really any good reason to allow our creative energy to be used against our own best interests? No.
As such, we can instead use our creative energy consciously to destroy and uncreate the walls of the prison we’ve created for ourselves. Afterwards, we can use our creative energy consciously to create what we want.
Despite the negative connotations of destruction, destruction in this case is quite positive.
For example, if you could destroy a disease to make way for optimal health, would that be beneficial? How about destroying poverty in your life? Do think that would be a good thing?
You can use this methodology to destroy and uncreate every aspect of your life to literally reinvent your life. What’s working will remain or upgrade itself; and what’s not working will dissolve.