Quantum Physics

Cellular adaptation, quantum entanglement and morphic resonance
Cellular Memory
Eric Thompson

Cellular Adaptation, Quantum Entanglement and Morphic Resonance

Imagine a world where life is not merely a chemical phenomenon but a deeply interconnected web of intelligence, capable of transmitting knowledge and adaptation through unseen pathways. Such is the domain we enter when we consider the groundbreaking work of cell biologist Miroslav Hill, whose experiments suggest that cells might communicate and adapt in ways that defy conventional biology.

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Brainwave nonlocality
Eduardo Mainero

Brainwave Nonlocality in Isolated Human Subjects

Dean Radin conducted a groundbreaking study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in May 2004, aiming to investigate the possibility of psychophysiological interactions between distant pairs of human subjects. The findings challenge our understanding of consciousness and suggest that the boundaries of the mind may extend far beyond the brain.

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Ervin Laszlo's akashic field theory.
Aetheric Physics
Eduardo Mainero

Ervin Laszlo: Akashic Field Theory and the Cosmic Web of Consciousness

What if the universe isn’t just a collection of separate objects and events but an intricate web of information and consciousness, connecting everything that exists? This is the captivating premise of Ervin Laszlo’s Akashic Field Theory, a revolutionary concept that seeks to bridge the gap between science and spirituality, offering a new perspective on the nature of reality itself.

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Eric Wargo retrocausation
Subtle Energy Sciences

Eric Wargo: Retrocausation Has Broken the Arrow of Time

Explore the mind-bending world of retrocausation, where the arrow of time doesn’t always point in the direction we expect. This isn’t the stuff of science fiction or New Age mysticism. It’s a serious scientific concept that’s gaining traction among researchers in quantum physics, neuroscience, and consciousness studies.

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