Scientific Evidence for Dream Telepathy

“A wealth of anecdotal and clinical material exist which supports the possibility of telepathic effects occurring in dreams. However, an experimental approach to the topic did not become possible until psycho physiological laboratory technology became available. It was discovered that sleeping research participants awakened from periods of rapid eye movement (REM) activity were frequently able to recall dream episodes. As a result, it was possible to request a “telepathic receiver” to attempt dreaming about a target stimulus that was being focused on in a distant location from a ‘telepathic sender.’”

– Stanley Krippner

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

– Nikola Tesla

Dream telepathy is the purported ability to communicate telepathically with another person while one is dreaming. Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., an expert on the scientific study of dream telepathy, is professor of psychology at Saybrook University, and a Fellow in four APA divisions, and past-president of two divisions (30 and 32). Formerly, he was director of the Maimonides Medical Center Dream Research Laboratory, in Brooklyn NY.

He is co-author of Dream Telepathy: Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them, and many other books. He is a Fellow of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, and has published cross-cultural studies on spiritual content in dreams.

In this video, he describes a series of experiments on telepathic dream communication that ran for ten years during his tenure as director of the Maimonides Medical Center Dream Research Laboratory in Brooklyn, New York. These telepathic dream communication studies were eventually published in a variety of mainstream psychology journals. The studies about telepathic communication in dreams involved telepathic senders at distant locations who attempted to project mental imagery into the dreams of research subjects. Krippner also found that the most successful trials were correlated with periods of low geomagnetic and solar storm activity. The studies were statistically replicable.

The influence of the geomagnetic field in this series of telepathic dream communication studies cannot be underestimated. Krippner and his fellow research, Michael Persinger, Ph.D., elaborate on the process of communicating through dreams:

“The 24-hour periods in which the most accurate telepathic dreams occurred during the Maimonides studies displayed significantly quieter geomagnetic activity than the days before or after. This statistically significant V-shaped temporal sequence in geomagnetic activity was not evident for those periods when less accurate dreams occurred. When geomagnetic activity around the time of the strongest experimental telepathic dreams was compared to the geomagnetic activity around the time of spontaneous telepathic dreams from the Gurney, Myers and Podmore (1886) collection, very similar (statistically undistinguishable) temporal patterns were observed. Analyses of both experimental and spontaneous telepathic experiences indicated that they were more accurate (or more likely to have occurred) during 24hour intervals when the daily average antipodal (aa) index was approximately 10 ñ 3 gammas. When the daily aa index exceeded amplitudes of approximately 20-25 gammas, telepathic experiences became less probable.”

Further Reading

Psychology and anomalous observations: The question of ESP in dreams.

An Experimental Approach to Dreams and Telepathy: Methodology and Preliminary Findings

A Pilot Study in Dream Telepathy with the Grateful Dead

Dreams, Telepathy, and Various States of Consciousness

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