Russell Targ’s Banned TEDTalk about Psychic Abilities

Russell Targ is a physicist who spent several decades working in a US government program exploring “remote viewing” – an apparently anomalous extended characteristic of the mind. Targ is convinced the effect of this psi phenomenon is real. This talk was originally slated as part of a TEDx event in Hollywood in 2013, but the organization pulled their support of the event when they learned about the subjects.

In our opinion, this kind of knee-jerk reaction by the scientific community is anything BUT scientific, as it refuses to look at the vast amount of scientific evidence for psi phenomena. Instead, much of the mainstream scientific community will focus on one or two examples in which psi experiments have supposedly been debunked, while ignoring hundreds of other experiments which are much more difficult to debunk. 

True science is about being open to the data; and any refusal to look at and honestly test the validity of the data is a failure to accurately conduct the scientific method.

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