In the realm of subtle energies and consciousness, two concepts have gained significant attention: L-fields and T-fields. These unseen forces, proposed by researchers like Dr. Harold Saxton Burr, challenge our understanding of life, consciousness, and the fundamental nature of reality.
According to Steven A. Ross, Ph.D., “All of life is reduced to electricity and magnetism acting on L- and T-fields. All matter is bipolar, held together by these invisible fields. Chanting, meditation, and mantras all have an impact on these polarities. They regulate all disease, illness, growth, decay, and emotions. You can fix your life by interacting with these underlying fields—and through them, you can create, act, and live closer to God.”
This statement encapsulates the potential significance of L-fields and T-fields in shaping our understanding of life and consciousness.
L-fields: The Blueprint of Life
L-fields, short for Life-fields, are electrically measurable fields of subtle or weak amplitude. The concept of L-fields emerged from the groundbreaking work of Dr. Harold Saxton Burr, who conducted research at the Yale University School of Medicine over a roughly 40-year period in the first half of the 20th century.
Published in more than 90 peer-reviewed papers, Dr. Burr’s research suggests that electrodynamic fields, measurable by a voltmeter, regulate biological life. He referred to these electrodynamic fields as “Life-fields” or “L-fields.” Burr viewed these Life-fields as containing the architectural blueprint for life, serving as the developmental model for the body.
Through numerous experiments on plants, humans, and animals, Burr demonstrated that these subtle energy fields surround all living organisms. His meticulous research involved measuring the electrical potentials of various organisms under different conditions, revealing patterns that correlated with biological processes and even future states of the organism.
One of the most fascinating aspects of Burr’s work was his observation of subtle changes in these fields during periods of sunspot activity or lunar phases. This discovery highlighted the interconnectedness of living systems with cosmic phenomena, suggesting that our bodies are not isolated entities but are intimately connected to the broader rhythms of the universe.
Predictive Power of L-fields
One of the most intriguing aspects of Burr’s research was his ability to use L-field measurements to predict future biological events. By studying these subtle L-fields, Dr. Burr was able to predict female ovulation cycles and diagnose physical illnesses that were soon to emerge in the body. This predictive power suggested that L-fields contained information about an organism’s future state, not just its current condition.
For example, Burr found that by measuring the electrical potential between two points on a woman’s body, he could predict with remarkable accuracy when ovulation would occur. This discovery had significant implications for understanding reproductive cycles and fertility. Moreover, his ability to detect impending illnesses before physical symptoms appeared suggested that L-fields could provide early warning signs of health issues, potentially revolutionizing preventive medicine.
L-fields in Psychiatric Research
Burr’s work also extended into the realm of psychiatry. Working with Dr. Leonard J. Ravitz, Jr. at the Department of Psychiatry at Yale, Burr used specific electrometric techniques to successfully predict which psychiatric patients would or would not eventually be able to return to society. He proposed that L-fields were morphological, revealing an organism’s future shape.
This application of L-field theory to mental health opened up new possibilities for understanding the relationship between electromagnetic fields and psychological well-being. It suggested that mental health conditions might have electromagnetic correlates, potentially leading to new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in psychiatry.
L-fields and the Origin of Life
Ravitz made a critical discovery: L-fields disappeared entirely at death. This observation suggested that life originates from L-fields and not vice versa, challenging our understanding of the relationship between energy fields and biological life. This finding raised profound questions about the nature of life itself. If L-fields precede and outlast physical life, could they be considered a more fundamental aspect of existence than the biological structures they organize?
Potential Applications of L-field Theory
Some researchers have proposed connections between L-fields and other aspects of alternative medicine. For instance, author Cyndi Dale, in her book “The Subtle Body,” suggests that acupuncture meridians might be a type of L-field that acts upon electrical frequencies of the body. While this idea remains speculative, it highlights the potential for L-field theory to bridge gaps between traditional and alternative approaches to health and healing.
Various cultures have been using energy healing practices for thousands of years, and the concept of L-fields could potentially explain their efficacy. If these practices indeed interact with L-fields, it could provide a scientific basis for understanding their effects on health and well-being.
T-fields: The Power of Thought
While L-fields focus on the electromagnetic nature of life, T-fields, or thought-fields, explore the idea that thought itself has field-like properties. The term T-field comes from the observation that thought shares the properties of a field, which operates and moves through a medium to transfer information. Over thousands of years, humans have observed that the mind organizes and manages matter. The placebo and nocebo effects perhaps most clearly demonstrate this power of mind over matter. The placebo effect occurs when a person experiences a positive outcome from a treatment with no active ingredients, purely based on their belief in its efficacy. Conversely, the nocebo effect produces negative outcomes due to negative expectations, even in the absence of harmful stimuli.
These effects highlight the profound influence of belief on physical processes, suggesting that thought has tangible impacts on the body. The power of belief can override physical processes, demonstrating the potential influence of T-fields on biological systems.
Experimental Evidence for T-fields
The University of Leningrad’s L.L. Vasiliev conducted groundbreaking experiments on mental suggestion, demonstrating that thought alone, without any physical connection, could influence individuals. In these experiments, subjects were able to influence the physiological states of others at a distance, suggesting that thought has field-like properties capable of transmitting information across space. As a result of these observations, the term T-field later emerged.
These experiments challenged the conventional understanding of the limitations of human consciousness and raised questions about the nature of thought itself. If thoughts can influence physical reality at a distance, what are the implications for our understanding of consciousness and its role in shaping the world around us?
Intuitive Healing and T-fields
Intuitive healers frequently report experiencing the phenomenon of information passing from person to person via field-like transmission. This suggests that T-fields may play a role in various forms of energy healing and intuitive diagnosis.
Notable examples of individuals who seemed to tap into these field-like properties of thought include Edgar Cayce, whose intuitive diagnoses were later calculated to be 43 percent accurate, and Carol Myss, whose diagnoses in one series were an astounding 93% accurate. Typical medical diagnostic rates, estimated to be as low as 20% accurate in some cases, pale in comparison to these diagnostic accuracy rates.
These intuitive diagnoses’ remarkable accuracy raises intriguing questions about the nature of information transfer in T-fields. How are intuitive healers able to access information about a person’s health without physical examination? Could T-fields provide a mechanism for this seemingly inexplicable ability?
The Interplay of L-fields and T-fields
The relationship between L-fields and T-fields is a subject of ongoing exploration. Some researchers propose that L-fields might originate from T-fields, suggesting a primacy of thought in shaping physical reality. This idea aligns with ancient philosophical and spiritual traditions that view consciousness as the fundamental basis of existence.
If T-fields can indeed influence L-fields, it would suggest a profound connection between thought and physical reality. This concept resonates with many spiritual and philosophical traditions that emphasize the power of mind over matter and the fundamental role of consciousness in shaping our experience of reality.
Experimental Evidence for T-field Influence on Physical Reality
Stanford physicist William Tiller’s work provides compelling evidence for the influence of thought on physical matter. Tiller successfully imprinted a mental intention onto an electrical device, which then broadcast the intention into a laboratory, changing the pH and temperature of water. This experiment demonstrates the field-like properties of thought and its ability to store and transmit energy, just like other forms of energy.
Tiller’s work is particularly significant because it demonstrates a measurable physical effect of intention on matter. If our thoughts can shape the properties of water, what other aspects of physical reality could our intentions and beliefs shape?
Most commonly, people compare T-fields to magnetic fields, highlighting their capacity to shape and influence physical reality. The concept that T-fields can influence L-fields opens up fascinating possibilities for understanding the mind-body connection and the potential for conscious influence over physical health and well-being.
“The universe in which we find ourselves and from which we cannot be separated is a place of Law and Order. It is not an accident, nor chaos. It is organized and maintained by an Electromagnetic field capable of determining the position and movement of charged particles.”
~ Harold Saxton Burr
As Dr. Burr says, we are really living in a cosmos of “Law and Order,” kept in place by electromagnetic fields. Deeper knowledge of these disciplines could open fresh opportunities for human development, healing, and wellness.
As we keep discovering and learning about these subtle energies, we could find ourselves headed toward a more integrated, holistic perspective of life—one that acknowledges the great connectivity of all things and the ability of awareness to change our reality. Under this perspective, research of L-fields and T-fields becomes not only a scientific but also a path of self-discovery and global knowledge.
Source – The Subtle Body by Cyndi Dale