The late 1800s saw a revolutionary advancement in technology when Albert Abrams discovered the science of radionics. Radionics is the capacity for diagnosis and treatment of illness through detecting its electromagnetic signature, and then broadcasting it back to the patient through a radionics machine by an experienced practitioner. As the science developed, more applications for it were discovered – including how it could benefit the masses through farming.
One of the greatest contributions to this end came from an American scientist from Kansas City, Missouri. Born in 1895, Thomas Galen Hieronymus, known popularly as T. G. Hieronymus, would go on to create his own patented radionics machine, “for detection of emanations from materials and measurement of the volumes thereof.” In his extensive work, he referred to subtle energy as Eloptic (from a combination of the words electricity and optics), which he thought of as soft particles radiating from any given material.
Hieronymus’ work added to the strength and efficacy of prior models of radionics machines. His discoveries added to the strength of radionics machines by adding amplifiers, that resulted in much more powerful equipment. He also discovered that by replacing the resistors in traditional radionics machines with capacitors, he was able to increase the accuracy of radionics readings.
His machine, known as The Hieronymus Device, was initially sold to physicians and chiropractors for use in their health clinics. However, his clientele began to dwindle as the machine would lead to a cure for patients too quickly, and the doctors began to lose business. Another obstacle came when the Food and Drug Administration passed a law stating that anything used to treat human beings had to come in the form of medicine in a bottle.

Changing with the times, a new wide-spread application for the machine was developed; helping farmers overcome pest infestations of their crops. To utilize the device, a photo or photo negative of the affected plants, painted with a chemical signature that has been determined to be toxic to the insects, but safe for the plants, is placed within the machine. The resulting energy signature output would be sufficient to kill off the insects that were infecting the plants while maintaining the health and integrity of the plant itself.
“Eloptic energy will travel on light. We can take a photo on black and white or polaroid film and use it as the specimen of the plant instead of a leaf from the plant. Aerial photos work very effectively. In this way, we can treat large areas at one time.” – T. G Hieronymus
This technique was widely used by farmers in Pennsylvania in the 1950s, as a cleaner, and less expensive alternative to pesticides. In that time, many farmers preferred the use of radionics over the use of pesticides, because it worked – without leaving a toxic chemical residue. The business competition generated by the effectiveness of this radionics method caused a wide-spread anti-radionics campaign and lobbyist effort from the chemical companies in order to discredit this effective modality as “pseudoscience.”
Despite the setbacks incurred through the negative efforts of the agricultural chemical companies, T. G. Hieronymus dedicated the latter half of his life to refining and perfecting the application of radionics for the health of crops. He would sample insect and plant specimens, and measure their vitality with the radionics analyzer. He would then experiment with various reagents including poisons, herbs, oils, and antibiotics, to see if it would lower the vitality of the pest.

If the vitality of the pest was successfully lowered, the reagent would then be tested on the plant to make sure the plant would not be poisoned from its effects. The combined energy of the plant and the proper reagent would then be broadcast out of phase by 180 degrees to the intended plants. The radiated plants would then cause the normal energy of the pest to be neutralized if it tried to eat it. Therefore, the pest problem was solved.
As radionics advanced, it was discovered that the cause of insects in the first place came from poor soil conditions. Now, it is no longer necessary to kill insects. Focus is instead placed on enhancing the quality of the soil, so that the plants grow strong, and are not a desirable habitat for insects in the first place.
One more advancement to the field of radionics came through Hieronymus towards the end of his life; the Cosmic Pipe. This device is constructed out of 10 foot long PVC pipes, where 2 feet would be buried in the ground, and the other part would be upright in the exposed air, like a tower. The purpose was to collect, amplify and redistribute subtle energy of the crop’s prescribed radionics treatment to the field at a constant, gentle medicinal dose.

Although Hieronymus passed away in 1988, and the good name of radionics in agriculture has been smeared in the mainstream due to oppositional efforts, many farmers and researchers still continue the work that he started today. Moving into the future of sustainable agriculture, we may once again see clean farming practices, such as radionics, take center stage once again for the health of people, the soil, and the planet.
“The Story of Eloptic Energy” The Autobiography of Dr. T. Galen Hieronymus
“The Ultimate Reality” by Joseph H. Carter
“Radionics How to Manual” by Donald Mattioda
USPA Journal & Newsletter The Official Publication of the United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) New Series Volume 3, Number ()HEruary, 2017)

3 thoughts on “Clean Farming through Radionics and the Discoveries of T. G. Hieronymus”
It was uplifting come across this info
During the mid 1980’s doing some work with farmer installing Galen’s devise
Called a Comic tube to enhance the soils and illuminate soil pests. Galen had simple plans showing how to grow plants underground to total darkness. I knew he was a engineer later discovered he was also a physicist.
how might I get a line on an original machine from like the 60’s or 70’s, for purchasing?
thank you for continuing the work of a great man of science…